
Showing posts from August, 2009

The problem with Digital TV

The problem with Australian Digital TV or at least, using a media center in Australia is: The standard def and high def channels are almost the same, but not quite. The high def channels have subtly different programs such as special documentaries. The EIT is a mess - spelling mistakes, program name changes (series premire, season finale, double episode etc), and not starting/finishing on time. The consequence of (1) is that you can't just go and say 'record all' - you've then got to go edit that rule to say 'only on this channel', otherwise you'll end up with 2 recordings of the same program, one standard def, one high def. You wouldn't actually want to delete one of the channels, because the differences can be interesting. The EIT issue is more serious - instead of being able to say 'record all occurances of "Program 1" only on this channel' you need to change this to not be so exact on the program name and use "%Program 1%...

The week in review - 2009-32

SpringSource Roo I just found out this week about SpringSource Roo - a rapid development tools that promises: Working applications within 10 minutes of finishing the download I haven't used it yet, but at first glance it looks like a Grails/Rails type tool but being plain Java based as opposed to Groovy or Ruby based. This is a great move, since enterprises just don't seem to be able to get comfortable with dynamic languages - I mean, why continue worry about every little nut and bolt when Grails takes care of all that detail - Roo may just be the ticket for those too afraid to make the jump to Grails. SpringSource STS I've been using Netbeans 6.7 for Grails development these days (with what little time I have), but I'm thinking about trying out the latest SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) - I'm a big fan of everything SpringSource does, and I'm keen to see what their Groovy support in Eclipse is like. Replacing a DVD drive in Mythbuntu When I originally set...