
Showing posts with the label selenium


I've just released a new version (0.5) of the selenium plugin , which fixes compatibility problems with Grails 1.0.3. Hopefully all is well now and I'd like to apologise to all the users out there who ran into problems. If you encounter any more issues, you can email me at On another note, it would be cool to know how much a plugin is being used. For example, I've got no way of knowing if anyones actually using any of the plugins I've written so its hard to prioritise work. Perhaps we need a download counter to give a rough indication... ?


Version 0.3 of the grails selenium plugin is now available. This version: Adds GSP support for writing tests Fixes bug where hidden directories were shown as suites Fixes bug on windows with invalid URIs to html tests To use GSP to generate the tests, use the <sel:test> tag, followed by nested <sel:row> tags. <sel:row> can take either: one 'line' attribute where the command, target and value are pipe separated as per the pipe separated value files or separate 'command', 'target', and 'value' attributes. Because this is a normal GSP file, you have full access to the normal variables and you could call other classes for utility methods. An example GSP test: <g:set var="bookTitle" value="book0d"/> <sel:test name="MyTest"> <sel:row command="open" target="${request.contextPath}"/> <sel:row line="clickAndWait|link=BookController"/> <sel:row line=...


I've just uploaded a new version of my Selenium plugin for Grails . You can download it from . The only significant enhancement is to support tests nested in directories. Now, the suite page displays a list of all of the directories in the tests location. The default (top level) suite shows all tests in all directories. You can click anywhere in this suite heirarchy to load only those tests in that directory. Let me know what you think of this implementation. There are probably several different ways to go about handling the directory structure, and this is just one implementation. I hope you find it useful! (for more complete information about this plugin, see grails-selenium-0.1 .


This release has been superseded - Please see for the latest release information. I'm a big fan of Selenium - it lets me test my web applications easily, quickly, and inside the browser. Now I've created a Grails plugin to bring the efficiency of Selenium to Grails projects easily. When you install this plugin, it will download the Selenium-Core distribution (currently version 0.8.3 - 1.5MB) and extract it into your grails application (into <grails project>/web-app/selenium/core). Now you simply create your Selenium tests - putting them in <grails project>/web-app/selenium/tests. This plugin will automatically generate your test suite by listing all of the files in the selenium/tests directory. You can create tests as standard HTML as per the selenium documentation (and easily created using SeleniumIDE ). Or, you can for-go the HTML for pipe delimited text files (*.psv) - this plugin will convert the pipe delimited fil...