
Showing posts with the label wakaleo

On to some exciting stuff

I went to a Agile Sydney meetup recently - "Automated web tests as a team communication tool" - by John Smart of Wakaleo Consulting . It was great stuff, and the presentation is now online . There is a nice story here in that the project feature set is documented via easily readable and executable tests, and the reporting shows which features are implemented and which aren't. More information on the the Thucydides tool he references can be found at: While reading that presentation online, I found more gold here in some of his other presentations: JUnit Kung Fu: Getting More Out of Your Unit Tests Introduction to Domain Driven Design They are a great read and are great pointers in the right direction to improve your software development. (If you haven't seen them before, check out Wakaleo's training courses . I haven't been on them, but based on the course content, they look to be the most relevant ...