Getting to know Groovy

I've recently become interested in Groovy because of its very cool language enhancements, and ease of use. One of the stated goals is to make 'writing concise meaningful maintainable code easier'. I first used it just to write some simple utility scripts, but it in the future I hope to write some full applications (swing and web based) using it to see just how productive it can be.

To get started, I bought the Groovy in Action book. This is very well written and was easy to work through, and covered so much information I think I'll be going back through it many times.

If you are interested in Groovy, then you should have a look at these resources:

Some more specific references that you'll need once you start playing with Groovy:

As I was working through the book, I wrote my own sample code to test out the new language features and to help get a grasp on the new syntax. In case you are interested, I've included this code below:

Sample Groovy script to demonstrate language features
// semi-colons optional
// asserts are enabled by default
println "\n\n### ASSERTS ### "
assert 1==1
def value = 2
try {
assert 1==value
assert false
} catch (AssertionError e) {
assert true
// gstrings
println "\n\n### GSTRINGS ### "
def firstName = "MC"
String lastName = "Hammer"
assert "Hello MC Hammer"=="Hello ${firstName} ${lastName}"
String multiline = """This
is a multiline gstring
${lastName} time!"""
assert "This\nis a multiline gstring\nHammer time!"==multiline
// everything is an object - no primitives
println "\n\n### OBJECTS ### "
def a = 10
def b = 20
assert a+b==30
// notice the language enhancements (java.lang.Number
assert b.minus(a)==10
assert 'java.lang.Integer'==a.getClass().getName()
// Ranges
println "\n\n### RANGES ### "
def myRange = 1..5
assert myRange.size()==5
assert myRange.contains(4)
// Lists
println "\n\n### Lists ### "
def myList = []
myList += '1'
assert myList == ['1']
myList += ['2','3']
assert ["1","2","3"] == myList
def otherList = ['2']
assert ["2"] == myList.grep(otherList)
// Closures
println "\n\n### CLOSURES ### "
// standard java (can't use standard for loop)
for(Iterator i = myList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
// standard java (using while loop)
String result1 = ''
Iterator i = myList.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
assert '123'==result1
// groovy
String result2 = ''
myList.each { item -> result2+=item }
assert '123'==result2
String result3 = ''
myList.each { item -> result3 += item*2 }
assert '112233'==result3
class MethodClosureSample {
int limit
MethodClosureSample (int limit) {
this.limit = limit
boolean validate (String value) {
return value.length() <= limit
def MethodClosureSample first = new MethodClosureSample (6) //#1
def MethodClosureSample second = new MethodClosureSample (5) //#1
def Closure firstClosure = first.&validate //#2
def words = ['long string', 'medium', 'short', 'tiny']
// java.util.collection.find(Closure)
assert 'medium' == words.find (firstClosure) //#3
assert 'short' == words.find (second.&validate) //#4
// Looping
println "\n\n### LOOPING ### ";
def store = ""
for(x in [1,2,3]) {
assert store == "123"
for(x in 1..3) {
assert store == "123"
store = ""
(1..3).each { store+=it }
assert store == "123"
println "\n\n### CONSTRUCTORS AND PROPERTIES ### "
class MyClass1 {
String name
void setName(String n) {
name = n?.toUpperCase() // NPE safe
String toString() {
return "myclass1 -> name : ${name}"
def c1 = new MyClass1(name: 'MC Hammer')
assert "myclass1 -> name : MC HAMMER" == c1.toString()
assert == 'MC HAMMER'
assert c1.getName() == 'MC HAMMER' // auto created getter (and setter) only if they don't already exist
assert 'BUSTARHYMES' == c1.@name // direct access to field
// protection from Null Pointer Exception
assert null == c1?.name?.toLowerCase()

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