
I've just been playing with RhythmBox for the first time, and am very pleasantly surprised. This application so far takes care of my music and podcast requirements, and also supports the iTunes links you see on so many sites.

You can either copy the iTunes link and add it manually, or in FireFox, clicking on the link pops up a dialog asking what application should be used - specifying /usr/bin/rhythmbox achieves the desired result, and the podcast is added just like that.

Rhythmbox also supports my wifes ipod, which is great for managing that. Although I don't use internet radio, I'd like to and it takes care of that too.

I've still got more to play with, but so far I'm happy and will be sticking with it for the foreseeable future.

(Ubuntu 8.04Beta, Linux Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop, 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux)

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