Week in Review - 2013-16

Print to Google Drive

I just noticed 'Save to Google Drive' in my 'Print' options in Chrome! This is awesome - when you want to save something for reference, and you don't want to go through thousands of bookmarks, this is exactly what I wanted!

Media Problems

Here is a great blog post about trying to find a decent movie streaming service. Now I have FetchTV (this lets me buy movies to stream, much like the Google Play option) I'm considering turning my MythTV media center off, but I still need an option for playing music/displaying photos/etc. There are lots of options, from AppleTV to Western Digital et al media players. Props to Google for actually selling us here in Australia movies and music - unlike Amazon (we still can't buy movies and music from Amazon in 2013).

Andrew Chen quits RSS - WTF!

Andrew Chen just announced that he's quitting RSS in favour of email notifications. Look at the comments though, and there isn't a single positive response (and they are all quite sensible reactions). Presumably this was provoked by Google Reader being retired, but the unanswered question for Andrew is why does Reader == RSS ? I've switch to Feedly (which has a seamless process to migrate your reader account) and I'm liking it so far. I won't even notice Reader go offline.


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