Deploying to Tomcat 7 with Maven

It's sometimes nice to be able to update a development Tomcat 7 server from Maven - this makes it simple to hook automatic deployment into a CI server or just update the dev server as a developer.

First, the Tomcat manager application needs to be installed (check Tomcat's webapps directory for the manager application) and configured with the appropriate user credentials:

Now, I needed to define the server admin credentials in my maven settings (~/.m2/settings.xml):

Then, I updated the POM to configure the maven tomcat plugin:

Now, using 'mvn tomcat7:redeploy' lets me update the dev server.

Note however, on Windows you may have some problems with undeploying the application - after an undeploy command, some jars may be left over in the webapps/appname directory. When you try to redeploy your app you'll see an error containing "cannot invoke tomcat manager fail - unable to delete...".

To work around this, you can change the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml to include the 'antiJARLocking' attribute like so:
<Context antiJARLocking="true">
The documentation points out though that this will impact start up times of applications.

In my case, I noticed problems when doing a redeploy to Tomcat - most likely unrelated to Maven and/or the maven tomcat plugin and more to do with PermGen (I saw perm gen OutOfMemory: PermGen space errors in the tomcat7-stderr logs, and the Tomcat process was consuming 100% cpu). Adding the following switches to the Tomcat JVM settings seems to have fixed it for now:
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx992M
 (In this instance, I'm running Tomcat 7 as a Windows service on JDK7 with a 50MB WAR file).

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