Getting rid of Root email
I've got a Linux VPS through RimuHosting - I'm no system admin, and the root account gets a pile of email spam. This takes up disk space so I try to regularly delete it. The best way I've found is to us Mutt - a console based email reader.
Firing up Mutt as root displays the thousands of spam mails recieved. Pressing 'D' lets you delete messages that match a pattern. So I can specify the pattern 'a' and that matches almost all of the messages. When quitting the application, it deletes the marked messages.
So, this is a good solution for reading or deleting many emails without downloading them - if you have ssh access.
To avoid having to do this, can anyone tell me how to stop receiving these emails?
Firing up Mutt as root displays the thousands of spam mails recieved. Pressing 'D' lets you delete messages that match a pattern. So I can specify the pattern 'a' and that matches almost all of the messages. When quitting the application, it deletes the marked messages.
So, this is a good solution for reading or deleting many emails without downloading them - if you have ssh access.
To avoid having to do this, can anyone tell me how to stop receiving these emails?