Over typing -Dskip.junit=true
I generally prefer Maven2, but I'm currently on a project using a custom ant build script - and I'm over having to type -Dskip.junit=true when I just want to generate a quick jar without running the tests.
To easily switch off tests, I modified ant.bat so that it looks for a command line parameter 'st' and if found, it will substitute it with -Dskip.junit=true.
In Ant 1.7.0, you just need to change line 68 in block ':setupArgs' from
So, the whole block reads (from line 65):
Now, I can just type
To easily switch off tests, I modified ant.bat so that it looks for a command line parameter 'st' and if found, it will substitute it with -Dskip.junit=true.
In Ant 1.7.0, you just need to change line 68 in block ':setupArgs' from
if ""%1""==""st"" (set ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=%ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS% -Dskip.junit=true) else (set ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=%ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS% %1)
So, the whole block reads (from line 65):
if ""%1""=="""" goto doneStart
if ""%1""==""-noclasspath"" goto clearclasspath
if ""%1""==""st"" (set ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=%ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS% -Dskip.junit=true) else (set ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=%ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS% %1)
goto setupArgs
Now, I can just type
ant all st